Sunday, September 24, 2023

Assam Career :: Apply for Assistant Professor Vacancies at Cachar College Silchar

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Cachar College, Silchar has released a job advertisement for the recruitment of various assistant professor positions.

Last Date: 15 Days.

Job Description: Cachar College, Silchar has invited applications from eligible & intending candidates to recruit 09 Assistant Professor Vacancies in various departments.

Apply for Assistant Professor Vacancies at Cachar College Silchar

Cachar College Silchar Recruitment 2023

Name of the Post: Assistant Professor

No of Posts: 09 posts

Name of the Subjects and Vacancies:

  • Philosophy: 01 (Reservation Category: 01 (PwD), Roster Point: 01)
  • Physics: 04 (UR-03, PwD- 01), Roster Point: 19,20,23 & 34)
  • Bengali: 01 (Reservation Category: 01 (UR), Roster Point: 14)
  • Manipuri: 01 (Reservation Category: 01 (UR), Roster Point: 48)
  • Sanskrit: 01 (Reservation Category: 01 (UR), Roster Point: 41)
  • Arabic: 01 (Reservation Category: 01(UR), Roster Point: 12)

Salary: UGC pay scale of Rs. 57,700/- -1,82,400/-with other allowances as per rule of Assam Government

Educational Qualification: Educational Qualifications and Selection Procedure will be as per Govt. Office Memorandum No. AHE.239/2021/68 dated 24-01-2022. The candidates have to acquire qualifications as on the last date for submitting applications. Publications and other relevant eligibilities can be acquired and submitted on the date of the interview and not beyond. The Govt. Office Memorandum link is given below in the important link section.

How to Apply for Cachar College Silchar Recruitment

To apply for the post of Assistant Professor in Cachar College Silchar interested candidates have to fill up the applications in the prescribed application format of DHE, Assam (available in the DHE website) along with self-attested photocopies of academic credentials, relevant documents from HSLC onwards and Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) to “THE PRINCIPAL, CACHAR COLLEGE, SILCHAR, ASSAM, PIN: 788001“.

Applicants should be accompanied by an A/c Payee Demand Draft of Rs. 1,500/. (Rupees One thousand five hundred) only as a non-refundable application fee drawn in favor of PRINCIPAL, CACHAR COLLEGE payable at STATE BANK OF INDIA, SILCHAR BRANCH (IFSC Code: SBIN0000183 & Branch Code: 000183)

Last Date: Within 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement

Important Web-Links